The President who shall be the Chairman on the Commission – [Article V.1 (a)]
The Hon. Mr. Justice Adrian Saunders, a national of St. Vincent and the Grenadines, attained a Bachelor of Laws degree from the University of the West Indies (Cave Hill) in 1975 and a Legal Education Certificate from the Hugh Wooding Law School in Trinidad & Tobago in 1977. He began his legal career as a barrister and solicitor in private practice in his home country.
In 1990, he established the firm of Saunders & Huggins before being invited to join the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court (ECSC) High Court Bench in 1996. On 1st May 2003, Mr. Justice Saunders was appointed to the ECSC’s Court of Appeal and served as acting Chief Justice between 2004 and 2005.
While at the ECSC, Mr. Justice Saunders developed a passion for and was deeply involved in various judicial reform efforts. These included the introduction of court-connected mediation in the Eastern Caribbean and the development of that Court’s first Judicial Code of Ethics.
He also served as Chairman of the ECSC’s Judicial Education Institute from 2001 to 2004. His work in judicial education has continued with the Commonwealth Judicial Education Institute (CJEI). He earned a Fellowship of the CJEI in 1998 and, he is currently and has been for several years the Course Director of the CJEI’s Intensive Study Programme. He is also one of the Institute’s Directors.
In 2005, Mr. Justice Saunders was among the first cohort of judges to join the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) bench. Mr. Justice Saunders has contributed greatly to regional judicial outreach and judicial education efforts. He is a founding member of the Caribbean Association of Judicial Officers (CAJO) and has served as the organization’s Chairman since its inception in 2009.
Due to his active engagement in advancing judicial integrity, Mr. Justice Saunders has recently been appointed to serve on the Advisory Board of the Global Judicial Integrity Network by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime’s (UNODC) Global Programme for the Implementation of the Doha Declaration.
Mr. Justice Saunders’ interests also extend to the area of court administration where he has adopted an active role in the CCJ’s public education and other strategic projects. He led the development of the Court’s first Strategic Plan in 2012 and currently chairs the ongoing project to execute the Strategic Plan for 2018-2023, of which he also led its development.
Mr. Justice Saunders has written many legal articles and publications and is a Consulting Editor of The Caribbean Civil Court Practice and a co-author of Fundamentals of Caribbean Constitutional Law. He served as Chairman of the Caribbean Association of Judicial Officers which, in collaboration with UN Women, played a leading role in developing and promoting the adoption of Gender Sensitive Protocols for Judicial Officers for various Caribbean judiciaries. He also lectures part time at the UWI, St Augustine Faculty of Law on Constitutional Law.
At its 29th Intersessional Meeting in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, in February 2018, the Caribbean Community Heads of Government agreed to the recommendation of the Regional and Judicial Legal Services Commission (RJLSC) that the Honourable Mr. Justice Adrian Saunders be appointed President of the Caribbean Court of Justice. He became President of the Caribbean Court of Justice and Chairman of the Regional Judicial and Legal Services Commission on 4 July 2018.