Financing the Court
Concerns have been expressed that the Judges of the Court would be paid by governments which can exert decisive informal pressure on them to deliver judgments favourable to this or that government. In order to pre-empt this eventuality and fund the Caribbean Court of Justice in perpetuity, a Trust Fund of US $100 million has been established, so as to enable the expenditures of the Court to be financed by income from the Fund. In this way, the expenditures of the Court, including the remuneration of the Judges, is not dependent on the disposition of governments. As a consequence, the CCJ is the only integration court of its kind financially independent of the largesse of governments and free from their administrative control. The Caribbean Court of Justice Trust Fund is administered by a Board of Trustees drawn from regional entities.
Establishment of the Fund
The Preamble of the Revised Agreement Establishing the CCJ Trust Fund recognizes the importance of adequate and secure funding to the sustainability, independence and credibility of the Court. It states:
“The Parties to the Agreement Establishing the Caribbean Court of Justice:
Cognisant that the Court is indispensable for the good governance of the Caribbean Community;
Recognising the critical role of the Court in the efficient administration of Justice in the territories of the Contracting Parties to the Agreement establishing the Court;
Recognising further that the Court is vital for the structured and efficient functioning of the CARICOM Single Market and Economy;
Noting the provisions of Article XXVIII of the Agreement establishing the Court which requires the expenses of the Court and the Commission to be borne by the Contracting Parties to the Agreement establishing the Court;
Conscious that the financial viability of the Court is essential for its efficiency, effectiveness and independence in the performance of its functions;
Bearing in mind the decision of the Twenty-Third Meeting of the Conference of Heads of Government of the Caribbean Community concerning the capital and recurrent expenditures of the Court;
Determined to promote and safeguard the independence, integrity and credibility of the Court,
Have agreed…
Functions of the Board
Article VII of the Revised Agreement determines the functions of the Board of Trustees. It states:
“1. The Board shall be responsible for directing the operations of the Fund, and, for this purpose shall, in particular, exercise the following functions:
- evaluate the performance of the Fund;
- establish with the approval of the members guidelines for prudential investment of the resources of the Fund;
- establish with the approval of the members the financial regulations of the Fund;
- appoint the Executive Officer of the Fund;
- authorize the provision of resources required for the biennial capital and operating budget of the Court and the Commission submitted by the Executive Officer;
- appoint an investment manager or managers to manage the investments of the Fund in accordance with the investment guidelines for the Fund;
- approve the annual report on the performance of the Fund for transmission to the members;
- approve the capital and operating annual budget of the Fund;
- appoint the external auditor of the Fund;
- submit an annual report to the members, and
- perform such other functions as may be necessary or appropriate for the operations of the Fund.
2. The Board may exercise such powers and establish such rules as may be necessary or appropriate in furtherance of its purpose and functions consistent with this Agreement.”
Board Composition
Article VI states,
“1. Subject to the provisions of this Article, the Board of Trustees shall consist of the following or their nominees:
- The Secretary-General (of the Caribbean Community);
- The Vice-Chancellor of the University of the West Indies;
- The President of the Insurance Association of the Caribbean;
- The Chairman of the Association of Indigenous Banks of the Caribbean;
- The President of the Caribbean Institute of Chartered Accountants;
- The President of the Organisation of Commonwealth Caribbean Bar Associations;
- The Chairman of the Conference of Heads of the Judiciary of Member States of the Caribbean Community;
- The President of the Caribbean Association of Industry and Commerce; and
- The President of the Caribbean Congress of Labour.
2. There shall be a Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Board elected by the Board from among its members. The Chairman and Vice-Chairman shall hold office for a period of three years.”
At present, the Board of Trustees of the Caribbean Court of Justice Trust Fund comprises the following persons:

Dr. Linton A. Lewis (Chairman)

Mr. Ramesh Dookhoo (Vice Chairman)

Mr. Oswald Barnes

Mrs. Marina Andrea St Rose

Mr. Muhammed Musa Ibrahim

Mr. Dalton Lee

Mrs. Christine Sahadeo

Mr. Ruggles Ferguson

Chief Justice
Patterson K.H. Cheltenham
The Board has appointed Ms. Michelle Persad as its Executive Officer.
Annual Reports
Caribbean Court of Justice Trust Fund Annual Report 2023
Caribbean Court of Justice Trust Fund Annual Report 2022
Caribbean Court of Justice Trust Fund Annual Report 2021
Caribbean Court of Justice Trust Fund Annual Report 2020
Caribbean Court of Justice Trust Fund Annual Report 2019
Caribbean Court of Justice Trust Fund Annual Report 2018
Caribbean Court of Justice Trust Fund Annual Report 2017
Caribbean Court of Justice Trust Fund Annual Report 2016
Caribbean Court of Justice Trust Fund Annual Report 2015
Caribbean Court of Justice Trust Fund Annual Report 2014
Caribbean Court of Justice Trust Fund Annual Report 2013
Caribbean Court of Justice Trust Fund Annual Report 2012
Caribbean Court of Justice Trust Fund Annual Report 2011
Caribbean Court of Justice Trust Fund Annual Report 2010
Caribbean Court of Justice Trust Fund Annual Report 2009
Caribbean Court of Justice Trust Fund Annual Report 2008
Caribbean Court of Justice Trust Fund Annual Report 2007
Caribbean Court of Justice Trust Fund Annual Report 2006
Revised Agreement Establishing the Trust Fund
Revised Agreement Establishing the Caribbean Court of Justice Trust Fund