Dr. Dylan Vernon

One of two persons from civil society nominated jointly by the Secretary-General of the Community and the Director General of the OECS for a period of three years following consultations with regional non-governmental organizations, Belize– [Article V.1 (e)]


Dr. Dylan Vernon has worked in international development, governance reform and public policy influence for over 30 years. He was the Ambassador of Belize to the European Union, the World Trade Organization, the Organization of African, Caribbean and Pacific States, and several European states, from 2013 to 2020. Before diplomacy, his active career in development and in the civil society sector included directing the Society for the Promotion of Education and Research, chairing the Association of National Development Agencies, managing the Belize UN Development Programme Office, and serving on boards of regional civil society networks in the Caribbean and Central America. Dr. Vernon led Belize’s first post-independence constitutional review as chairperson of the Political Reform Commission (1999-2000) and was Adviser to the Belize People’s Constitution Commission (2022-2025). His PhD is in Caribbean and Latin American Politics (University College London), and he has authored several academic publications, including a 2022 book: Political Clientelism and Democracy in Belize: From My Hand to Yours (UWI Press).  Currently, Dr. Vernon is the Executive Director of the Belize Policy Research Institute at the University of Belize.  

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