Supply Contracts for Videoconferencing and Audio/Visual Equipment for The Caribbean Court of Justice Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago

Publication reference- 197-167 (9 ACP RCA 14) CCJ ICT INT 1 of 2010

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Q: Item#1 – Videoconferencing HD System Package, Section Audio Input: the fourth descriptive line of this section states “2 x VCR/DVD stereo audio-in (RCA).” Can you please verify if this technical description is correct? We believe that it should have stated “1 x VCR/DVD stereo audio-in (RCA).”Item#1 – Videoconferencing HD System Package, Section Audio Input: the descriptive line of this section states “2 x VCR/DVD stereo audio-in (RCA).” Can you please verify if this technical description is correct? We believe that it should have stated “1 x VCR/DVD stereo audio-in (RCA).”
A: Please note that for both queries the technical description (as listed) are correct In addition, “2 x VCR/DVD (RCA)” indicates a double RCA (L/R) connection.
Q: I am from South Africa and I would like to know whether I am also allowed to apply for these tenders. I also would like to know as to how are we to do quotations for these tenders since there is not enough clarification as to when these tenders are going to start and end?
A: The complete request for tenders documentation (including all requested information) can be located at the following website:-
Q: Please note that the articles (5 to 10) in mention are articles which are required to prepare the Tender Guarantee since they are mentioned in the sample Tender Guarantee form.
A: Please note that only the following are indicated in the “Sample Tender Guarantee Form” (Appendix V) Item #11 of the Procurement notice and Item #16.6 of the Instructions to Tenderers in addition:- Appendix V is highlighted as only a sample.
Q: Would it be possible to acquire the tables in Appendix II and III in an editable format?
A: Please use Appendix II and III as provided in the RFT.
Q: For those Lots that feature a second camera, where is this to be positioned and what is it’s purpose?
A: Please refer to Appendix IId and IIId, Item #15
Q: For these sites is there a preferred call speed and resolution?
A: Please see Appendix IId and IIId
Q: How many of the sites listed is the MCU, required for Lot#14, supposed to connect in a multipoint call?
A: Please refer to Appendix IId and IIId, Item#1 “Videoconferencing Multipoint Conferencing Unit (MCU) equipped with 12 video/audio resource licenses and implementation service.”
Q: I am writing to inform CCJ that Article 5 to 10 are missing from the draft contract.
A: Please note that even though particular articles are not stated in the special conditions of the draft contract, it should be understoond that all contracts are governed (in their entirety) by the general conditions in Appendix I of the RFT
Q: According to the fact that only one video conferencing codec’s manufacturer complies with all technical requirements but dooes not comply with Country of Origin rule, please advise us if it would be acceptable to either:– offer another manufacturer’s product (video conferencing codec) which complies with the Country of Origin rule, but disobeys just a few minor technical requirements while completely retaining the requested functionality of the equipment and system respectively or

– to neglect the Country of Orign rule while complying with the tehnical requirements 100%?

A: Please refer to sections 1.2, 4.1, 4.2, 15.2, 15.5.1 and 15.5.2 in the Instructions to Tenderers
Q: Why would you be interested in a responce from a UK based company when you can source the equipment locally?
A: Please refer to sections 3.1, 3.2, 3.6 and 4.1. Please note that this project is funded by the European Union (EU) under the European Development Fund (EDF)
Q: How is CCJ linking between the sites for communication, will it be via the Internet, Metro Ethernet, MPLS or dedicated links?
A: Please see subject of this contract at Instructions to Tenderers section 1.1.
Q: Are the rooms already equipped for Video Conferencing: acoustic, colour, lighting and aesthetics?
A: Please see subject of this contract at Instructions to Tenderers section 1.1.
Q: What are the dimensions of the room?
A: Please see subject of this contract at Instructions to Tenderers section 1.1.
Q: What type of rooms will ther equipment be deployed: conference room or court room?
A: Please see subject of this contract at Instructions to Tenderers section 1.1.
Q: Is there another tender for the installation of the equipment?
A: Please see subject of this contract at Instructions to Tenderers section 1.1.
Q: Are you seeking a provider in each country or one provider to implement a solution for all countruies?
A: Please see sections 6.1, 6.2 & 6.3 in Instructions to Tenderers of RFT
Q: The request appears to be based on Polycom hardware specifications. Will CCJ permit substitutions to be quoted?
A: Please see sections 1.2, 1.4, 6.1, 6.2, 6.3 & 6.4 in Instructions to Tenderers of RFT
Q: Is the CCJ aware that the Polycom 8002, 8004 and 8006 have been discontinued? (References were made to these models in the technical specifications section of the document.)
A: Refer to section 1.2. Please see requirements outlined in the technical specifications in Appendix II and III
Q: Will CCJ also be connecting a PC or laptop to the video conferencing system to share presentations, etc.?
A: Refer to Section 1.2 in Instructions to Tenderers
Q: CCJ has requested an “IP based VOIP conference speaker phone” for some of its locations. What brand of VOIP system will these phones be interfacing to?
A: Refer to technical specification in RFT Section 1.2 in Instructions to Tenderers and Appendix II and III
Q: Is onsite installation per location also to be included in the bid?
A: Refer to title of RFT
Q: What is the maximum number of locations that each site should be able to communicate with “out of the box”?
A: Refer to technical specifications Lot#14 of RFT – Appendix IId and IIId
Q: Can we have a brief description on how the individual components in the locations will be used?
A: Refer to technical specifications and title of RFT  – Appendix II and III
Q: Can you provide us with a “Room Integration AV Connectivity Line Drawing” for each location (which will show how everything is going to be connected in each location) as well as a ‘Network Cloud Drawing” showing the interconnection between locations?
A: Refer to section 1.2 in Instructions to Tenderers and the title of the RFT – “Supply Contract for Videoconferencing and Audio/Visual Equipment”
Q: Is CCJ to confirm of my company as a participant?
A: There is no preliminary submission for this open tender.
Please refer to information at:
Q: Is there any preliminary submittal necessary in engaging my company for this opprtunity?
A: There is no preliminary submission required.
Please refer to information at:
